

Subscription Terms & Conditions.

  1. Your monthly subscription fee will be charged automatically on the same date each month from the debit or credit card stored on your Chilli Pilates account.
  2. Your ‘at Home’ subscription cannot be exchanged or transferred for any other value or product. No time/£ value will be carried over into future months.
  3. Your subscription is restricted to your use only and should not be shared.
  4. You can cancel your subscription at any time, and you will continue to have access to the ‘at Home’ platform up to the end of your paid subscription period.
  5. You are responsible for exercising within your own limits and assume all risk of injury to your person or property resulting from your use of the Chilli Pilates ‘at Home’ platform.
  6. The Chilli Pilates ‘at Home’ service is not suitable for use by children under the age of 18.
  7. All Chilli Pilates ‘at Home’ services and content are protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret and/or other proprietary intellectual property rights owned by or licensed to us. You may not copy, alter, or in any way tamper with any material in relation to the Chilli Pilates ‘at Home’ platform.
  8. All prices are subject to an annual increase.


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